The way ahead
Last week a lady came and asked for prayer. She had PTSD after being abused as a child and as a wife. She was experiencing different symptoms and also couldn’t sleep. I prayed and she had a real experience of the Lord. She came back the next day having slept well for the first time in a very long time. She also had never been able to see the Lord and I prayed for her for her eyes to be opened and she experiencing the risen Christ in front of here and open a new doorway in her prayer life. That kind of prayer is all about seeking God and his presence in people’s lives and that’s part of our calling as a church.
We are also a church of many nations together in Christ. Last week, I was at Sisi’s wedding. Sisi grew up in communist china, met God here and was married yesterday. At the wedding I chatted to Natalia from Ukraine, Mareike from Germany, Matt from S Africa; Samson from Zimbabwe was there. I love being in a church from many nations. It’s all part of being a reconciling people in Luton. Even before I came to the town i had a deep sense that one of St Mary’s gifts to Luton at this time is to be a people of reconciliation Helping people to be reconciled with
God that means evangelism.
each other that’s the peace and reconciliation centre&
themselves that’s healing prayer.
We are at an important stage as a church. It’s been a busy few months. Upgraded our services and tea and coffee, invested in new in ear monitoring for the musicians. Our aim in doing that has been to grow community and to grow the church.
Now we all have a choice. In 25 years time we can be a thriving town centre church, or we can think that someone else will contribute to the development of St Mary’s and let the church gently evaporate. God is at work here but as those who are part of St Mary’s will you continue (or start) to invest your time, energy and talents? I am. I am committed to invest your time, energy and talents here. Will you continue (or start) to do so with us?
Every blessing, Mike